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Updates 📽

about 2 months ago

Hey guys, just felt to share an update on where I’ve been at since slowing down on here and shifting my focus to the album release. For the most part it’s just been nose to the grindstone on filming and editing these videos. I’ve gotten some rough drafts together for a few of them, and have been really loving the progress so far :)

It’ll feel great to have them all lined up and ready for release so that I can focus my efforts on distribution and marketing. I find I tend to work best that way—rather than juggling multiple tasks and shifting between contexts, simply concentrating my energy on one major context at a time.

The upside of this approach is that it enables me to gain momentum and learn fast through recurrent exposure, with the downside being less flexibility in the short term. Like how right now I’m not actively producing music (aside from the spontaneous jams), which can feel a bit stagnant at times. But conversely when I’m in music mode, it’s all music, which is such an amazing feeling of freedom and potency.

Applying constraints on creative output can sometimes seem counterintuitive, since we naturally want the freedom to express freely as inspiration calls, but without sufficient structure I find the raw creative energy to be a lot harder to wrangle into something concrete and deliverable. So in an interesting way, the right amount of constraint can enable a more impactful application of our creative capacities.

I also find the breaks from the creative grind to help open our minds to different frames of perception, which can be nourishing to our creative force in the long run. For example, in these technical seasons I tend to hear a lot of new musical ideas in my head, which I’ve gotten pretty good at capturing via voice notes, so that I can later devote my full attention to bringing them to life when music season comes around :)

Anyway I think that’s enough rambling for now. Really looking forward to sharing these tracks with you guys! It’ll be a fun change from all the short-form content I’ve been posting over the past year and a half. Finally some full tracks again 😁

Sending much love to all of you. I hope you’ve been keeping well 🙏💙

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